Show secretary’s report – Wirral Alsatian Training Society

Wirral Alsatian Training Society Shows 25 and 26 May 2024.

Well, what a weekend! The weather threw everything at us apart from hailstones, and snow!

Rain fell steadily, and heavily from Wednesday and on Thursday, when we had no alternative but to cancel the camping due to the potential damage to the venue, and loss of availability in future years. Also, there was standing water at the top end of the field under the trees. In the end we had 34 campers plus two club members’ caravans.

It was a near run thing, but we decided to go ahead with the shows, in view of the fact vehicle parking would be Ok, but even then, we had to swop the parking from one area to another to minimise the effect on the ground on the three days.

One point I would mention is that abuse towards our parking stewards is not and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The lady and gentleman tasked with this role were new to obedience and I hate to think what impression they have formed of our sport after the weekend.

So… big congratulations to our ticket winners, Shirley Clowes, and Wendy Hughes. Best of luck at Crufts 2025.

This year we had three shows, including Border Club of Wales. All the shows ran smoothly, with no more than the usual hiccups. Of course, I must thank all who helped, in setting up, running the shows, and our thanks to all those who helped clear the field at the end of a very long weekend. Thank you once again to everyone involved.

All being well we will run the shows next year. The dates for your diary are 5thand 6th July 2025.

Nicki Fildes-Moss

Show Secretary

Wirral ATS.

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