So, another year comes and goes. The rings and equipment goes away to gather dust until the next time.
After a much deserved rest and contemplation now is the time for the usual post show debrief.
As some of you may know, we are only a small club that is primarily a breed club. It may suprise you to know that the obedience team that organises and put on the show consists of 3 people. The breed side which is the chairman, secretary and treasurer did not attend the show at all so you can imagine it is a very tough task to put on a successful event.
I would like to place on record thanks to my mum Jacki Snook who is the primary organiser of the event. She finds and selects the judges. She does all the leg work in making sure the right paperwork is ready and ensures that things are in place to make the show as successful as possible. Myself and my dad have picked up the extra tasks to try and release the pressure.
As mentioned above the show cannot function on 3 people alone. We had extra help from people who have no association with the club and without them the show would not go ahead. I would like to place my thanks to Julie Shepherd, Neil Shepherd and my partner who came and helped with setting up on the Sunday and then helping the running on the Monday. As you saw from the post last week and the stress of the venue the parking went much better than expected and I would like to thank every single competitor and visitor for their patience and understanding to make the most of a very undesired situation.
We had extra help towards the end of the day from people who train at the club and other friends and your efforts were greatly appreciated.
Further thanks to the judges and stewards who have given up there day to help. It is much appreciated.
Congratulations to everyone who took part in the show and once again I truly appreciate and thank your respect and understanding during the difficult circumstances.
Jacki & Anthony Snook